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Color Schemes (Legacy)

Color schemes define the colors used to highlight source code in Sublime Text views and to style different elements found in the editing area: background, foreground, selection, caret...


This document describes the old .tmTheme color scheme (not theme!) format inherited from TextMate.

For the new .sublime-color-scheme format added in Sublime Text 3.1, refer to the official documentation.


Sublime Text differentiates between "color schemes" defining colors in the editor area and "themes" defining the layout for the rest of the UI. Rather confusingly, the color scheme format inherited from TextMate uses the .tmTheme unchanged extension, because themes in TextMate themes are what color schemes are for Sublime Text.

It's important to remember that UI themes and color schemes are two different customization mechanisms. Generally speaking, it is far less complex to create a new color scheme than it is to create a new UI theme.

File Format

FormatProperty List
LocationAny under Packages

The file format of color scheme files is inherited from Textmate.

Where to Store Color Schemes

By convention, packages primarily containing a set of color scheme files have the Color Scheme - prefix. For example: Color Scheme - Default.

The file names of all available color schemes are displayed in the Preferences → Color Scheme menu, grouped by the containing package.

Structure of a Color Scheme File

All color scheme files share the same topmost structure.

Colors can be expressed in the following formats: #RRGGBB, #RGB, X11 color names

Most elements controlling colors accept an alpha channel value: #RRGGBBAA.

Root Elements in Color Schemes Files

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

name : Optional. Name of the color scheme. Ignored by Sublime Text.

settings : Required. Container for further color scheme settings. See Sub-elements of Settings for details.

uuid : Optional. A unique identifier for the file. Ignored by Sublime Text.

Sub-elements of Settings

Sublime Text supports the following color scheme settings:

Global Settings

Not associated with any scope. These settings affect global visual items in the editing area.

Global settings go inside a <dict> element within the topmost <array>.



foreground : Default foreground color for the view. Affects file contents, the gutter, rulers and guides. The alpha channel does not apply to file contents. Because there is no override setting for rulers, the only way to change the color of rulers is a "hack" further described on CursorRuler's wiki.

background : Default background color of the view (and gutter).

invisibles : Ignored.

caret : Color of the caret.

lineHighlight : Color of the line the caret is in. Only used when the higlight_line setting is set to true.


bracketContentsOptions : Controls how brackets are highlighted when a caret is between a bracket pair. Expects a space-separated list of the available options.

Only applied when the match_brackets setting is set to true.

Options: underline, stippled_underline, squiggly_underline, foreground

Default: underline

bracketContentsForeground : Color of the highlighting(s) selected by bracketContentsOptions.

Only applied when the match_brackets setting is set to true.

bracketsOptions : Controls how brackets are highlighted when a caret is next to a bracket. Expects a space-separated list of the available options.

Only applied when the match_brackets setting is set to true.

Options: underline, stippled_underline, squiggly_underline, foreground

Default: underline

bracketsForeground : Color of the highlighting(s) selected by bracketOptions.

Only applied when the match_brackets setting is set to true.


tagsOptions : Controls how tags are highlighted when a caret is inside a tag. Expects a space-separated list of the available options.

Only applied when the match_tags setting is set to true.

Options: underline, stippled_underline, squiggly_underline, foreground

Default: stippled_underline

tagsForeground : Color of the highlighting(s) selected by tagsOptions.

Only applied when the match_tags setting is set to true.


findHighlight : Background color of regions matching the current search.

findHighlightForeground : Foreground color of regions matching the current search.


gutter : Background color of the gutter.

gutterForeground : Foreground color of the gutter.


selection : Color of the selection regions.

selectionBorder : Color of the selection regions' border.

inactiveSelection : Color of inactive selections (inactive view).


guide : Color of the guides displayed to indicate nesting levels.

Only used if the indent_guide_options setting includesdraw_normal.

activeGuide : Color of the guide lined up with the caret.

Only applied if the indent_guide_options setting includes draw_active.

stackGuide : Color of the current guide's parent guide levels.

Only used if the indent_guide_options setting is set to draw_active.

Highlighted Regions

highlight : Background color for regions added via sublime.add_regions() with the sublime.DRAW_OUTLINED flag added.

highlightForeground : Foreground color for regions added via sublime.add_regions() with the sublime.DRAW_OUTLINED flag added.


shadow : Color of the shadow effect when the buffer is scrolled.

shadowWidth : Width of the shadow effect when the buffer is scrolled.

Values greater than 32 cause the shadow to be hidden. The default is 8.

Note that, despite its nature, this expects a string value.

Scoped Settings

Settings associated with a particular scope.


name : Descriptive name of the item.

scope : Target scope name.

settings : Container for settings. Valid settings are:

fontStyle : Space-separated list of styles for the font.

Options: `bold`, `italic`, nothing (resets fontStyle to normal)

foreground : Foreground color.

background : Background color.

Minimal Scope Coverage

Refer to the official Scope Naming guidelines in order to find out which scopes a color scheme should cover at minimum.

View Settings

color_scheme : Path to a color scheme file relative to the Data folder (example: Packages/Color Scheme - Default/Monokai.tmTheme).