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Mouse Bindings

The mousemap files (which have the extension .sublime-mousemap) control what commands are executed when a user performs an action with a mouse, e.g. clicking a mouse button, scrolling the scroll wheel, etc.

File Format

Mousmap files are JSON files, following the naming schema of Keybindings.

Here is a small excerpt from Default/Default (Windows).sublime-mousemap:

    // Basic drag select
        "button": "button1", "count": 1,
        "press_command": "drag_select"
        "button": "button1", "count": 1, "modifiers": ["ctrl"],
        "press_command": "drag_select",
        "press_args": {"additive": true}
        "button": "button1", "count": 1, "modifiers": ["alt"],
        "press_command": "drag_select",
        "press_args": {"subtractive": true}

Following are the keys that a single JSON entry in a mousemap file can take.


The name of the button.

This defines the name of the button. There can be upto 16 buttons, button1 to button16 along with scroll_up & scroll_down for the scroll wheel.


A list of modifier keys.

This defines a list of modifiers keys that have to be pressed simultaneously (along with the corresponding button click) for the command to be triggered, e.g. ["ctrl", "alt"]. A list of all the modifier keys can be found in the keybindings section on Modifiers.


The count of the button press.

This defines the number of times the button has to be pressed for the corresponding command to trigger. Defaults to 1.


The command to execute.

This defines the command to be executed when the corresponding button is released.


The arguments for command.

This is a mapping of arguments to be passed on to the command.


The press_command to execute.

This defines the command to be executed when the corresponding button is pressed.


The arguments for press_command.

This is a mapping of arguments to be passed on to the press_command.